Audits & Reports

At Aston Shaw, our experienced, qualified team can provide a comprehensive auditing and reporting service to meet your business requirements.

Assurance Reports Service

For some small and medium-sized businesses, the costs of a statutory audit can outweigh the perceived benefits. Assurance reports are a quicker and more affordable way to demonstrate the credibility of your financial statements and the health of your business. A review engagement can often offer the solution – meeting the needs of smaller companies without the cost of a full statutory audit. This form of engagement provides less assurance than an audit, but still increases the credibility of the financial statements which can be particularly important when securing additional borrowings or investment.

Features & Benefits of our Assurance Reports Service

Review engagements are prepared in accordance with international standards (ISRE 2400) and are performed by our team with the expertise to carry out a statutory audit. During the process, issues such as going concern, fraud or non-compliance with laws will be highlighted and assessed.

This can give peace of mind to users of the financial statements from the enhanced assurance provided by an objective independent accountant.

Additionally, the review engagement provides the flexibility for us to offer bespoke advice based on your individual circumstances. As part of the engagement, our accountants will perform a systems review, which can help to optimise your financial reporting processes and help to improve efficiency – reducing the likelihood of errors occurring.
This can provide valuable feedback and assistance to businesses with plans for growth, or for businesses hoping to sell in the future.

SRA Compliance Review Service

At Aston Shaw, we are specialists in SRA Compliance Reviews and reporting and can support any type of legal practice, whatever the size.

As standard, we ensure that accounts are being prepared and audited in accordance with the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) rules and provide advice on making control improvements as a result of our audit work to ensure future compliance and to reduce the risk of errors or misstatements.

We have many years’ experience working with solicitors and can ensure that all accounting and SRA and reporting requirements are dealt with in an efficient, timely and cost-effective manner.

Features & Benefits of our SRA Compliance Review Service

We offer a range of bespoke services to support solicitors, including:

  • Providing an Accountant’s Report
  • Expert advice on how to safeguard client monies in line with SRA accounting rules
  • Advice on making control improvements
  • A fully complete, SRA compliant annual report
  • Added advice on tax, management accounts, corporation tax, wealth protection and profitability

Statutory Audit Service

We offer a proactive Statutory Audit service to all businesses. This service not only delivers a thorough review of your accounting records, systems and controls to meet any statutory or regulatory requirements, but will also benefit your business through our operational, control and business improvement recommendations.

Features & Benefits of our Statutory Audit Service

Our industry-specific procedures allow our accountants to effectively tailor the process to each individual business, reflecting the current and potential financial, operational and regulatory risks. Most importantly, we will make practical short and long-term recommendations arising from our audit, to help you manage your business more effectively.

We are accredited as registered auditors by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. In addition to your audit being completed in a timely and efficient manner, we will provide ongoing support for your business based on the audited accounts.

The Aston Shaw Approach

At Aston Shaw, we aim to make your personal tax return as easy and straightforward as possible, so you can get on with enjoying your life.

We make sure that every client has their own dedicated team, with a team of experienced senior accountants and technical advisors working closely together.

This helps to give you a fast response and a quick turnaround time, as well as a team of specialist accountants who are on hand to help and advise you on your personal tax return, and any other requirements you may have.


FAQs on Audits & Reports

An SRA Compliance Review (Accountant’s Report) is required on an annual basis by all solicitors and legal practices that have held or received client money or operated a client’s own account as a signatory.

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